White turtlehead (Chelone glabra) Plants
White turtlehead (Chelone glabra) Plants
In late-summer, patches of dark green foliage are topped with creamy white 1 inch long flowers that look like a turtle’s head. Bumble bees squeeze their head into the “lips” to sip nectar and pollinate the flowers. Hummingbirds also visit its flowers. It is a host plant for several kinds of butterflies. Requires moist to wet soil, a great late summer addition to a native landscape. Creeps slowly from the roots to make patches.
Native to: Maine - Eastern North America
Growing conditions: Sun to shade, moist to wet soil.
Natural habitat: Moist to wet meadows, thickets and wooded stream sides.
Grows up to: 1-3’
Blooms: Late summer
Pairs well with: Great blue lobelia ( Lobelia siphilitica) and blue flag iris ( Iris versicolor).
Part Shade