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Goldenrods — Seaside goldenrod (Solidago sempervirens) Plants

Goldenrods — Seaside goldenrod (Solidago sempervirens) Plants

Yellow flower clusters brighten sunny dry roadsides and shorelines throughout autumn. A clump forming mass of pale green foliage stays neat all season. Great in a sunny, dry garden or landscape edge subject to road salt. Flowers provide late season nectar for pollinating butterflies and bees; seeds eaten by birds. Thrives in the rain garden. Deer-resistant.

Native to: Maine - South and east coast US and Canada

Growing conditions: Full sun, dry soil.

Natural habitat: Dry, sandy or gravelly beaches, salt marshes, shores and roadsides.
Tolerant of flooding and salt.

Grows up to:  2'

Blooms: Fall

Pairs well with: Smooth blue aster and butterfly milkweed

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