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Plantain-leaved pussytoes (Antennaria plantaginifolia) Plants

Plantain-leaved pussytoes (Antennaria plantaginifolia) Plants

The silvery, low-growing foliage of this species of pussytoe makes a nice ground cover in the driest of soils. In May, the fuzzy flower clusters resemble a kittens paw. This understated wildflower is a host plant for the American lady butterfly, making it a valuable addition to a garden or roadside planting. Foliage is 1” and flower stalks are 12”.

Native to Maine: Yes

Growing conditions: Sun to part shade in dry soil

Natural habitat: Open woods and meadows with dry soils

Grows up to: 12"

Blooms: In late spring

Pairs well with: Butterfly milkweed, bluets, little bluestem, pearly everlasting

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