Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) Plants
Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) Plants
This small tree to large multi-stemmed shrub will form small colonies over time. Large glossy leaves reminiscent of its tropical relatives are food for the zebra swallowtail. Small, but attractive, drooping, bell-shaped, dark maroon-burgundy spring flowers begin blooming prior to leaf out. Large edible fruits have a custardy texture and a somewhat mango/banana-y flavor ripen in late summer/early autumn and are loved by humans and animals. With many a festival in their name this is a great plant to add to a native edibles area. Fly and beetle pollinated, planting at least two is recommended for better fruit set with cross-pollination.
Native to: Eastern U.S to Canada, Ontario, north of Lake Erie, New York to Florida, east to Nebraska and Texas
Growing conditions: part shade - sun, medium - wet soil
Natural habitat: freshwater edges, floodplain forests
Grows up to: 30’
Blooms: April, May
Pairs well with: Spicebush