Tall anemone (Anemone virginiana) Plants
Tall anemone (Anemone virginiana) Plants
This anemone is a lovely, but understated, perennial for partly shady locations in moist to moderately dry soils. In early summer, flowers with whitish green petals and fluffy green centers bloom atop dark green foliage. Thimble-like green fruits turn wooly as they disperse in fall.
Native to: Maine - Central and Eastern portions of the United States and into Canada
Growing conditions: Part shade, moist to dry soil
Natural habitat: Woodland edges, ledges, edges of water and disturbed areas
Grows up to: 2'
Blooms: Early summer
Pairs well with: Golden groundsel, spotted crane’s-bill, Jacob’s-ladder, ferns, woodland asters and goldenrods
Part Shade