Bluets; Quaker ladies (Houstonia caerulea) Plant
Bluets; Quaker ladies (Houstonia caerulea) Plant
This dainty little wildflower is one of our most charming. In spring and early summer, the abundant, tiny, light blue flowers carpet the ground brightening up a meadow, shady lawn, or woodland. The flowers grow out of small clumps and can be tucked between stepping stones, along the edge of a path, in old stumps, or in the space between the grass in thin lawns.
Native to: Maine and eastern United States
Growing conditions: Sun to part shade in medium soil
Natural habitat: Moist meadows, open woodlands, and wispy lawns
Grows up to: 3"
Blooms: In spring and early summer
Pairs well with: Plantain-leaved pussy-toes
For more information: Bluets
Part Shade