Blue mistflower (Conoclinium coelestinum) Plants
Blue mistflower (Conoclinium coelestinum) Plants
Loads of long lasting, soft blue tufts of flowers cover this perennial in late summer. Though native to areas south of New England mistflower is hardy throughout the area. It will spread through rhizomes and seed so plant in an area where spreading is okay or be prepared to thin out. Great specimen for a wildflower or pollinator garden, well loved by bees and butterflies. Can be kept shorter with perennial pruning. Deer resistant.
Native to: Central - southeastern U.S., Mid-atlantic south to Florida
Growing conditions: medium-moist soil, full sun-part shade
Natural habitat: wood edges, wet meadows, stream banks
Grows up to: 3’
Blooms: July - October
Pairs well with: Snakeroot, Blue-stem goldenrod
Part Shade
Medium to Wet