Pussy willow (Salix discolor) Plants
Pussy willow (Salix discolor) Plants
Though it is best known for its attractive, fuzzy buds, there may be no better plant for hunting caterpillars than the pussy willow. Supporting hundreds of caterpillar species, this small multi-branched tree/large shrub has flexible branches and soft attractive foliage. It also makes a great addition to a pollinator garden, providing early spring blooms. This plant is dioecious, our plants are too young to know if they are male or female.
Native to: Northern North America, Across Canada south to Montana
Growing conditions: sun, clay-sand, medium-wet
Natural habitat: wetlands, river edges, marshes
Grows up to: 20’
Blooms: March - April
Pairs well with: blue vervain, boneset
Dry to Medium
Medium to Wet