Purple-stemmed Angelica (Angelica atropurpurea) Plants
Purple-stemmed Angelica (Angelica atropurpurea) Plants
Large herbaceous perennial which grows from 3-10' tall with smooth, dark purple or purple-blotched stems; features large, compound umbels with tiny greenish to white flowers. The stems are edible, with a texture similar to that of celery. It's a great food plant for butterflies, and serves as host for the Short-tailed swallowtail butterfly's caterpillar. Does well in water gardens.
Native to: Maine - Newfoundland to Minnesota south to Delaware and Illinois.
Growing conditions: Sun to part shade, wet to average soil.
Natural habitat: Swampy areas and stream banks.
Grows up to: 3-8'
Blooms: Summer
Part Shade
Medium to Wet