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Sumacs - Fragrant sumac (Rhus aromatica) Plants

Sumacs - Fragrant sumac (Rhus aromatica) Plants

This shrub, named for the spicy citrus fragrance given off when the leaves are bruised, will form a low colony and grows in lean soils that other plants would find intolerable. In the spring tiny yellow flowers will appear at the twig tips before the foliage develops. The fall color is a vibrant red to orange, and birds flock to the clusters of red, fuzzy berries.

Native to: Central to Eastern US - Non-native to Maine.

Growing conditions: Full or partial sun, dry conditions and sandy or rocky soil.

Natural habitat: Open woods, glades and thickets.

Grows up to: 3-7'

Blooms: Spring

Pairs well with: Pagoda dogwood (Cornus alternifolia)

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