Dogwoods – Gray dogwood (Swida racemosa) Plants
Dogwoods – Gray dogwood (Swida racemosa) Plants
Gray dogwood is an adaptable, medium sized shrub with a mounded and suckering growth habit. This lovely shrub can tolerate a wide range of conditions and will form thickets if allowed. Pollinators are attracted to white spring blooms that give way to distinctive white fruits on red stems that are favored by songbirds. Classic dogwood leaves support over 100 species of caterpillar and have a striking fall foliar display.
Native to: Eastern North America
Growing conditions: sun-part shade, dry-wet
Natural habitat: forests, floodplains, meadows, fields, disturbed areas
Grows up to: 3’-8’
Blooms: May, June
Pairs well with: hazelnuts
Part Shade