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Mountain-mints — Broad-leaved mountain-mint (Pycnanthemum muticum) Plants

Mountain-mints — Broad-leaved mountain-mint (Pycnanthemum muticum) Plants

A wonderful mountain mint for the meadow garden, this hugely pollinator-friendly plant has an inconspicuous flower, but emanates a gentle minty aroma and offers lovely contrast with its silvery bracts and blueish leaves. Aggressive, so site accordingly!

Native to: Maine - Central to Eastern US.

Growing conditions: Sun to part shade, dry to wet soil.

Grows up to: 2-4'

Blooms: Summer

Pairs well with: Flowering raspberry, three-lobed coneflower, wild lettuce, nodding onion, heart-leaved Alexander, Virginia mountain-mint, and wild bee-balm

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