Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) Seeds
Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) Seeds
In early spring, blue-green foliage emerges with small yellow flowers. Foliage is distinctive and in August blue fruits attract birds and small mammals. Makes a handsome addition to a woodland garden planted with black cohosh, Solomon’s seal, bloodroot and ferns.
Native to Maine: Yes
Growing Conditions: Shade
Grows up to: 2’
Natural Habitat: Moist deciduous woodlands with rich soils.
Blooms: Early spring
Pairs well with: Wild ginger, Wild leek, Jacob's Ladder
Seeds per packet: 20 moist stratified seeds per packet.
Germination Code(s): E and F
Sow these seeds, immediately upon receipt, outdoors in pots from November through February. Look for germination the second spring as these seeds go through a double dormancy - they need a cold-warm-cold period to germinate.